Women's Golf Association of Western NY


Since 1922





WGAWNY Player Code of Conduct


You must be a current
WGAWNY member to enter.


Event field may be limited by host club.


The WGAWNY does not allow caddies, coaches, parents or spectators at events.



Dress Code:


Golf skirts, skorts and shorts, all not more than 3 inches above the knee, slacks, capris, shirts with sleeves and/or sleeveless shirts with collars ARE acceptable.

Short shorts, tank tops, tennis-length shorts and jeans are not acceptable at any WGAWNY events.


Players who do not comply will be given the opportunity to change, wear rain pants or buy appropriate attire from the host pro shop.


Failure to honor this policy will result in disqualification from the event.


All WGAWNY members dining inside the host clubhouse following play must remove all visors, caps and hats.



WESTERN 1-Day Medal: Monroe Golf Club

July 5, 2023



Overall Low Gross: Julie Hamm 78


Flight 1:

Low Gross Deb Wood 81

2nd Gross Jan LaVigne 82

3rd Gross Tammy Blyth 82

4th Gross Ann Luhr 85

5th Gross Emily Ferguson 87


Flight 2:

Low Gross Kathy Gallagher 81 2

nd Gross Kitty Colliflower 86

3rd Gross Ruth McBride 86

4th Gross Tina Lambert 87

5th Gross Theresa Richards 88


Flight 3:

Low Gross Daryl Perlo 84

2nd Gross Lori Potter 85

3rd Gross Vaso Kroto 85

4th Gross Phyllis Harberer 85

5th Gross Lynn Schroeder 91


Flight 4:

Low Gross Susan Hoffman 87

2nd Gross Donna Henrich 88

3rd Gross Kelly Gough 89

4th Gross Sharon Johnson 92

5th Gross Mary Ann Torchio 95


Flight 5:

Low Gross Julie Selk 90

2nd Gross Sarah Daughton 95

3rd Gross Laura Landers 96

4th Gross Mary Schlitzer 98

5th Gross Kim Gurski 102


Flight 6:

Low Gross Cheryl Ferguson 96

\2nd Gross Pat Garnish 98

3rd Gross Jean Schaedler 101

4th Gross Tina Burker 101

5th Gross Mary Ellen Puleri 101